The Best New Words of 2018 (Part 1)

2018 has come and gone, and as the year fizzles into the distance and becomes a mere memory, there are some words born this year that are here to stay with us for a while. In the age of the internet and meme culture, new words pop up every day. Some fade into obscurity as quickly as they rose, and others make their way into our beloved dictionaries. Let’s take a look at what 2018 has delivered.


Netflix lovers will already be immensely familiar with the concept of binge watching shows. For the uninitiated, it refers to a show so addictive it compels us to burn through the episodes as if the end of the world was right around the corner. If there is a series that has kept you locked indoors for days on end and made you lose track of time (and a bit of sanity along the way), it’s definitely bingeable.


What was previously known as the “average Joe”, has now evolved into Normie. An abbreviation of the word “normal”, it’s a way to describe someone that belongs to the vast percentage of the population that predominantly enjoys what everybody else enjoys just because it’s popular. Normies love the top grossing movies, listen to the top 40 hits, buy the more popular cars, and have interests that are tailored to their socioeconomic status by marketing suits without being able to enjoy more unique or unconventional pursuits.  


Now this is the epitome of laziness right here. Derived from the word “random”, this slight squeeze of the word refers to a random person whose opinion or views regarding a certain topic that is being discussed are irrelevant or inconsequential. It obviously used in a derogatory manner, and the scary bit is that it is very easy to typo the thing into something serious. Keep your eyes open for this little bugger!

Next up…

We have some more gems from 2018 for our next post, so stay tuned for some more new millennium goodness!

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